Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hello Loves!

I have migrated my blog over to, as it will better facilitate the blogging/website integration process for me.

I do genuinely hope that you will follow me over there and check out my new posts this year! It is my goal to make this New Year the most delicious and enjoyable experience I have ever had and I invite you to join me!

My first post is about the sprouting process and includes photos, a sprouting chart, etc!

All of the old posts have been exported there as well, so the old content will remain and be invigorated with new, fun adventures and posts!

See you there!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Goodbye Motivation, Hello Inspiration....

Morning One without coffee and I am present to so many things:

Peppermint Tea is wonderful and delicious.  It also makes my tummy feel a lot better than coffee.  It is soothing.  I'll admit, there is a part of me that enjoys that burning sensation in my gut when I drink coffee, somehow, it's motivating.  But, I am shifting toward inspiration and away from motivation.  There is a distinct difference between the two and I am really getting into touch with that.

I never would have thought that having coffee each morning was staving off so many feelings.  Feelings that I am now 'feeling'.  Like, sadness, fear, overwhelment.  This morning, I have cried.  Things that I felt were so laid out and set in stone seemingly have become temporarily disrupted and although I am aware of the 'temporariness' of it, I still feel defeated and lost.  I saw a beautiful video this morning and it and blew my heart wide open, I loved it.

Had I had that cup of coffee this morning, I would not have acknowledged these feelings, I would have just powered on through them and put myself in a state of frenzy and distraction with emails, work, working out, etc.

Mind you, there lies an undercurrent of happiness and contentment which is always present in my life anymore, the difference now is that I am not afraid to acknowledge the fear and sadness when it comes up.  I also do my best not to cover it up with anger.  I just FEEL IT.  I am grateful I have the time and space to tend to these things in my heart, I am very blessed with that.

Today, I have a Christmas wish and that wish is for eternal warmth in my heart and the ability to spread kindness to everyone and everything in my path; what an amazing gift that would be.

I am present also to humility.  To acknowledging that I can't force things into being, that things take time and nourishing and patience and love.  This is all things.

Today is a yoga day and for this I am grateful, as I don't feel like going to the gym.  It is also a stay home all day day.  A nourish my soul day.  A rest day.

I have a tension headache - probably from a lack of coffee - a headache I am happy to have, as it means that my body is detoxifying and I am getting out of the way.  I have noticed a huge change in my appearance already, which tells me wonderful things are happening on the inside.  Within hours of drinking a carrot/jalapeno juice (now that was a kick in the pants), the redness under my skin had disappeared.  A while later, after having a green juice, I could feel my joints in my body differently.  I am able to notice these things and am so appreciative to be able to tune in and take notice of the benefits and healing power of putting good things in my body - and keeping not so good things out.

This morning, upon waking, there was no puffiness in my face or under my eyes.  I feel a sense of clarity, of impending awe.  For this, I am truly grateful.  The path to enlightenment isn't always easy, but it is a wonderful journey that I am so happy to have begun.

Until next time,


Monday, December 19, 2011

It Ain't Easy Going Green.....and Other Lies I Tell Myself

Today marks an important landmark:  I am getting back on the green juice horse.

Not only that, but I am going on a green juice fast after I finish the rest of the food in my fridge.

For almost a year, I have been leaned back on my haunches, allowing my body to heal up, and 'waiting' for a signal that the time is right.  I got that signal today:  I GOT FED UP.

Fed up with 'needing' coffee every morning (ok, ok, and NIGHT) - although with this blessed rainy day, I can feel my little brain screaming "Ahh, won't it taste and smell so good?  What about all that sleep you didn't get last night?  I don't care if it is acidic and make your skin all mottled and blotchy - I WANT SOME!"  Too bad, brain/body, you will thank me in a few days.  So, I got some peppermint tea - which really helps me to stifle cravings for pretty much anything.  There is also a wonderful coffee substitute out there called Teecino (  I really love it.

My body will also thank me in a few days for what I am not putting in it:  junk food. OF ANY KIND.  No more processed stuff.  PLAIN AND SIMPLE.  I am terrified of Christmas dinner right now, I want it so bad - well, at least a part of me does - the fat part. No, I'm not fat, but inside of all of us is a little fat kid waiting to get at that buffet!  This is what discipline is all about.  I will walk up to those mashed potatoes and give them the finger!  As soon as food stops being a source of short-term relief - and entertainment - beautiful things are going to really blossom.

What's behind all of this, you ask?  Plain and simple:  VANITY - and of course, long term health, but vanity is at the forefront - and frankly, I'm really fine with that.  If my ego helps me to eat better, exercise and do things that truly make me feel and look radiant, I say GREAT.

When it comes to looking good, green juice, whole, unprocessed - and mostly uncooked - foods (and of course, exercise) really do the trick.  Something about all of that chlorophyll and those phytonutrients really lends to bodily/facial symmetry and a yummy, sexy glow.  But why now?  I'm 30!  Isn't it time to just accept that I'm getting older?  Sure! I am super happy - most of the time - about being 30.  I am really coming into who I truly am, and part of that person I truly am isn't into sacrificing long term health for short-term satisfaction and entertainment - which is exactly what coffee and other things I have consumed up until this morning, are for me.  Maybe that isn't what they are to you, but for me, that's just the plain truth.

I know that some of my social interaction will decrease as a result of this, but I am kind of happy about that.  I have so much to occupy my time with that I really cannot afford to do things that take me out of focus.  If it is something enjoyable - ok, but lately I have noticed myself just wishing I was home while I was hanging out with some of my friends.  I love them, I really, really do!  They are wonderful, beautiful people. But, when we hang out, I find myself doing what they're doing just to be a part of the crew - except the drinking, I am really not into alcohol.  I sit around with them, eat food that, deep down inside, I find to be pretty gross, and watch them drink and get sloppy...and all the while, in my mind, I'm thinking - dang, I could be at home right now, in my little haven, snuggled up with my little one and watching Lost.  Or better yet, in the middle of a yoga tape, or doing some bellydancing drills, finishing up my not cookbook, etc.  I just find myself thinking that I could be doing more fruitful things with my time than watching people get wasted and eating food that is going to derail my poop train.

Which brings me to now:

On top of this year being the year that I will get into/be in the best physical, mental, financial and spiritual shape of my life, I ALSO HAVE A PHOTO SHOOT COMING UP ON JANUARY 3rd and I want to look AMAZING for it.  A lot of the things I am consuming right now simply aren't conducive to that goal!  I want my shiny, sparkly hair back.  My gorgeous, glowing skin.  Bright, sparkly eyes that say "I'll meet you at the comet with the rest of my cult <falls off her chair laughing>". Really though!  I have been happy with what I see when I look in the mirror up to this point - for the most part.  However, I can feel a growing sense of dissatisfaction and know that I can do more, be more, etc.  I don't think I'll look back when I'm older and wish I hadn't really 'gone for it'.

I have started an amazing new workout, and I love it.  It's a combination of weights and 'cardio'. I put 'cardio' in quotes because I am WALKING!  Generally, an hour each day - I get 2 hours of childcare with my YMCA membership, so I am taking FULL ON ADVANTAGE of that!  Anyway, I walk for the first 20 minutes at about 3.8 mph on a level 5 incline.  Then, the second 20 minutes at 3.3-3.5 mph at a level 10 (or 7 =D) .  The last 20 are whatever.  And sometimes, the whole hour is whatever.  Actually, somedays it's a 1/2 hour.  It really depends.  The point is, I am getting cardio that is great for my knees and joints and it keeps me in the 'fat burning' zone, rather than the 'endurance' zone.  I could care less if I can run 6 miles, my goal is to burn fat, not run a marathon.  And I would prefer to do it at a pace that is enjoyable enough for me to want to go back every other day and do it.  It's kind of hard to justify not making it to the gym because I 'didn't feel like walking today'. Ya dig?  When there's no feasible excuse, there's only accomplishment.

As far as the weights go, it's a really low weight.  The point is to work my muscles, but not enough to be really sore - according to my new trainer, that is what builds that 'bulky' look.  Since what I'm going for is a fitness model/bikini body, the emphasis is in different places than the traditional approach to weightlifting.  I'll talk more about this later.

Many great things on the horizon, once my new camera gets here, I'll post some new pictures so you can see my progress.  I'm super excited about this, and I WILL have my bikini body back by this summer, so WATCH OUT.

Also, this year, I am teaching almost EVERY SATURDAY of the month.  I will also be giving a FREE TALK about the benefits of adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet at least once - if not two or three times - per week at various venues. This is really exciting!  So, if you have ever been curious about raw food and how to incorporate it into your life in delicious and enjoyable ways, now is a great time to get yourself started, as there will be A TON of opportunity for you to explore this wonderful cuisine and add lots of yummy fruits and veggies to your diet.

For my class schedule (once I put it up), click here:

Until next time.....


Saturday, December 10, 2011

100 Things I Am Grateful For

0.  My darling daughter, Aya
1.  Perseverance
2.  Divine feminine energy
3.  Meditation
4.  Relaxation
5.  Love
6.  Soul Music
7.  My AWESOME friends
8.  People that I 'don't like' that show me all of the parts about me I need to accept
9.  Struggle
10. Spending Fast
11. Breakfast
12.  Coffee
13.  Lovers
14.  Delight
15.  My many talents
16.  My wonderful, warm, cozy, beautiful house
17.  Beauty
18.  Darkness
19.  Light
20.  Smoothies
21.  Veggies
22.  Nuts (all of us)
23.  My darling lil baby
24.  People who can sing
25.  Mac Lethal making pancakes
26.  Shoes
27.  Heater
28.  Cars
29.  The people who have said 'no', which only brings me that much closer to 'yes'
30.  Words
31.  Wisdom
32.  Slowing down
33.  Truth
34.  Divine Intervention
35.  Sweetness
36.  Books
37.  Music
38.  Awesome Furniture
39.  A healthy, beautiful body
40.  Patience
41.  Not having to hurry
42.  Creating my own life
43.  Breaking away from the bs
44.  Deep breath
45.  What's on the inside
46.  Willingness
47.  Letting go
48.  Alanis Morrisette
49.  Shuggie Otis
50.  Robin Thicke
51.  John Legend
52.  Alicia Keys
53.  Beyonce
54.  Transformation
55.  Blooming
56.  Flowers
57.  Spring
58.  Winter
59.  Perception
60.  Peace
61.  Lessons
62.  Heartache
63.  Strawberries
64.  Baileys
65.  Coconut milk White Russians - and the ladies who drank them with me last night
66.  Forgivness
67.  Selfishness
68.  Abraham Hicks
69.  Barbara Rice
70.  Brenda Jo McDonald
71.  Matt Lillie
72.  All of my friends in the Oneness Community
73.  Raw Food Meetups
74.  Emily Deaver
75.  My mommy
76.  My daddy
77. My grandparents
78.  The rest of my family
79.  The people who believe in me
80.  The people who don't
81.  Celebration
82.  Not needing a reason
83.  Surprise
84.  Faith
85.  Government
86.  Feeling good
87.  Stopping 'the pursuit'
88.  Frankincense
89.  Sandalwood
90.  Kashmir
91.  Things that are soft
92.  Grace
93.  Joy
94.  Passion
95.  Awareness
96.  Hope
97.  Fun
98.  Dancing
99.  Those who dance with me
100.  The wallflowers who don't.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yummy Chocolately Smoothie Evolution

Get me right on this one:  I STILL MADE THE COFFEE this morning...Just in case...but I have yet to drink it!

This delicious, chocolately (it's my new word) creation was my savior this morning....fomal. It has evolved a bit from the one I made yesterday into something far more luscious, playful and delightful!

Yummy Chocolately Luscious Smoothie

2 C vanilla almond milk (unsweetened...if you use the sweetened stuff, then omit below sweetener)
1 banana
2 T cacao powder
2 T chosen sweetener (agave, coconut crystals, etc..if you use stevia, sweeten to taste)
5 black mission figs
1 t vitamineral greens (optional)
1 GIANT handful of spinach (you won't taste it)

Add all ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth!  Wish for happy thoughts.  ENJOY.

All is WELL. You are LOVED.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I admit it.   I love the smell of coffee. I love the taste of coffee. I love the jacked feeling I get from coffee.  I love that I can stay up for 5 hours after my darling baby goes to bed and get all of the work - or play - done that my giant heart desires.

There is an opinion within me, however, that wants for something more.  There is a part of me that wants to stay right where I am at.  There is something so comforting about having something 'I NEED TO HAVE'.  It is such a relief to have SOMETHING that gives me relief.  For where I'm at in life, to have no 'needs' for something that can alter my mindset - in a way that I have been used to (smoking, drinking, etc) is uncomfortable.  What am I to do when I'm irritated?  There is nothing for me to focus on, no 'geez, if I just had some coffee/a cigarette/a beer/etc, as a sense of impending 'relief'.  There is a sinking feeling inside of knowing that it is all up to me to change my thoughts, I have no crutch to do it for me.

I have happily started drinking coffee again.

This morning, my body didn't want it, but my mind did!  I needed that smell, that refreshment, that burning feeling in the pit of my empty stomach that only coffee can give.  This morning, I didn't take the bait.  I made a smoothie instead.

Now, there are delicious coffee alternatives out there, and I happened to have one in my cabinet.  My body wanted something cool and green - and chocolately (yes, I made that word up and it's a keeper).  I really didn't want to listen!  However, three days ago, I had bought some bananas and almond milk - and I just happened to find a half-full bag of cacao powder in my cabinet!  Of course, I have a variety of different sweeteners and there was about a 1/2 pound of spinach in my fridge.  AMAZING coincidence.  Do you think my body set me up without my mind knowing it?  I concur.  It was one or the other.  Regardless, upon taking my first sip, it felt like a giant hug - and I get the SAME KICK from the cacao that I do from the coffee - without the burning feeling in my belly.

Does this mean I won't be having Bailey's and Coffee with my girls tonight?  Does this mean I'm not making coconut milk white russians when they get here?  NO!  It means that, this morning, I didn't have coffee.  It is wonderful to have the awareness, and right now, I will do nothing with it but be aware. I am not sure what tomorrow morning will bring, and I will allow that decision to come tomorrow.

Here's my smoothie recipe:

1 C unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 C water
1 ripe banana (look for brown spots on a YELLOW - not green - banana)
2 T cacao powder
2 T sweetener of your choice (if you use stevia, you will want to sweeten to taste)
1 GIANT handful of spinach (no, you won't taste it)
Place all of this in a blender and blend.  ENJOY.

All my love,

Monday, December 5, 2011

"How Can You Afford to Eat Raw?" They ask....

Let's be clear: I am a single mom.  Time and money are precious and beautiful to me - and not to be squandered!

From the people I have talked to over the years, the general consensus is that 'raw food is too expensive/time consuming'.  I wonder how many people have actually 'tried' it, but I do my best to suspend my judgement after that thought.  It does appeal to logic that it 'could' be that way.  However, anyone who eats anything spends some amount of time on it, whether they hit the drive through or the grocery store.  Some sort of preparation is involved in some way, shape or form, and money changes hands.

I have been 100% raw, a flailing pizza junkie, a pregnant woman on the Eat-Pray-Love Diet, etc.  I have been on many different sides and I can tell you that, personally, I spent A LOT more money on food when I wasn't eating a lot of Raw Food.

I can come up with many hypotheses about why this is:  1) I need to eat more because my body doesn't get as many nutrients when I'm eating cooked and processed food. 2)  There are additives in my food that make me hungry. 3) When I am not being 'a raw foodie', I am typically eating more for pleasure, than for sustenance, which changes the way I eat, and how much I eat. 4) cooked food is awesome, and I can't stop eating cheese, anything fried, etc.  5) I eat more because I am taking in less water with my diet and not supplementing by drinking more water, thus activating my weakened thirst receptors - which are then so stifled that my body tells me it's hungry!

Anyway, regardless of all that madness and reasoning - all of which is unnecessary, I have found a way to eat raw food and not blow my budget. Here's what my food prep schedule for the week OFTEN - not always - looks like:

Sunday:  Prep a salad dressing and some sort of pate/cheese
              Shred:  Carrots and Cabbage in food processor
              Cut top and bottom of bell pepper and remove seeds

Shop:  Buy broccoli, zucchini, onion and some fruit for smoothies, 1# spring mix from Sam's =3.99 (yes, it's organic), 1# organic spinach from Sam's = $3.99.    Both of these items can be purchased at Dillons for $5.99 each.

Then, each day, I'll have a green smoothie for breakfast - after drinking 1 quart of water right when I wake up.  For lunch, I'll use a combination of veggies on my salad, the dressing and a scoop of the cheese/pate. I'll do the same for dinner, unless I eat out or make dinner at a friend's.

I could easily make a batch of raw crackers, or a soup, or even a dessert if I wanted to, say, around the middle of the week if I felt like it.  Usually, it's one of the three, not all of them! Some weeks, I get together with friends, and we'll make something and split it, along with the cost of ingredients (think: raw white chocolate cheesecake, etc)

Anyway, it works for me!

"But, I need more variety." You say.  Well, then it's going to cost you more! This is what works for me.  Maybe you could have a smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and then a regular dinner! It's just a suggestion, find what works for you!  And of course, I'm happy to be a resource for you all the way!

Tonight, I'm making the Farmer's Cheese from Cafe Gratitude's "I AM Grateful" book.  Last week, it was almond hummus and a fig balsamic vinaigrette.  See a pattern here?  I don't know what kind of dressing I want this week....Something herby and garlicky sounds fantastic to complement that cheese!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hi! It's Been A While! I have MISSED YOU!

Hey Everybody!

Phew!  It's been a while, no!?!

I am here to check in with you, and we'll see what else happens.

So, update:  I have lost about 30 pounds..

"Was it through Raw Food?"  You ask.

"Kind of!" I reply.

You may remember a post from some time ago when I made my first, or fourth - or eleventh - attempt at returning to 100% Raw.  I GAINED 10 POUNDS in 1 month!

By the time I returned to California, in October, I think it was...I weighed in right back at 190 pounds.  FUUUUUUUCK!  That's what happens when I don't exercise and I'm consuming over 3,000 calories/day!

I had a hardcore reality check once I started counting my calories! How this came about:  I have a very special friend - whom I absolutely adore - who was constantly referring to her food journal. It really chapped my ass to hear her talk about writing down her food intake.  Mind you, this girl is absolutely beautiful, in amazing shape and just a gem of a human being in general.  So, why - I thought - in the hell would she be counting her calories?

Then, it hit me:  Wow, it's really annoying that she does this.  Why?  So, I decided to try it, just for one day.  I decided to see what I was REALLY eating.  Because, at this point, it was - although, unconsciously - A LOT!  Over 3,000!  I immediately saw the benefits of this behavior.  Now, did I start counting my calories everyday?  Absolutely not.  I haven't the patience to carry a notebook around with me.  You may have picked up on it - I'm not really the accounting type.  I would rather hire one, than be one.  BUT, what it did do for me, was allow me to become conscious of JUST HOW MUCH I was eating.  That was enough to drastically reduce my food intake.

Then, upon reaching California, I talked to someone who tried the HCG diet.  Look it up, it sounds absolutely crazy - but it worked.  I bought the 40 day kit and did it for about 20 days.  I slipped quite a bit, but still managed to lose about 12-15 pounds.  Although I didn't lose the 20-30 pounds fully, what DID happen, was that I retrained my eating habits - which, to me, was such a blessing, as that was the problem!  The rest of the HCG drops, I gave to my food journaling friend - whom I should check-in with and see how she's doing with it! Btw, she needed to lose no weight, so why she wanted the drops is beyond me, but to each their own!

So, here I am, December 4th, 2011, sitting at between 163-166, I would estimate.  I'm remarkably happy with my body and look forward to small, incremental changes in my physique over an extended period of time!  I have no specific workout routine, although I do belong to the YMCA and have a weight lifting 'regime' - which I do in the event that there isn't a group exercise class I want to participate in when I get there.  I no longer enjoy the stairmaster, or any of those other machines, I find it hard to stay inspired. When I'm in the group classes, there's a sense of camraderie I find really enjoyable.  I guess there's just something about lumbering around, gasping for air with a lot of other sweaty people that really gets me excited, lol.  Plus, it's a humbling experience to see a 53 year old woman kicking ass in a Turbokick class, while I'm totally struggling and looking a fool!  The beauty of most of these group exercise classes is that even the people who are totally great at them and know the routines really well, still look absolutely ridiculous!  So, if you have wanted to try something like that, just do eeeeeeeeeeeet - and don't 'sweat' the rest!

One thing I would add, is that I have started going to a meditation group between 2-3 nights per week, and I meditate on my own for 15 minutes each night that I don't go to the group.  It has really been an amazing experience!  I believe that it has helped me to release a lot of the thinking that was keeping the weight on.  If it sounds great to you, maybe try it!  The distinction for me between a great meditation session and a bammer one, is how much I am able to 'tune in' to my surroundings.  At one point, I thought meditation required me to 'tune everything out', and at some point this giant ball of light would appear and everything would get totally silent and I would feel like I was floating....NOT MY EXPERIENCE! In fact, that kind of thinking about meditation almost ruined the experience for me.  Now, when there's a train going by, I tune into it.  Car doors slamming?  Tune into it!  Someone's stereo too loud? Tune into it!  It's about tuning in and letting go for me.

Well, it is wonderful to 'see' you all again, I look forward to writing more and more and more and more!  I also might add, that today, I was 100% raw.  I didn't plan it, just woke up and said to myself, 'this could be the day..'  and it was.


By Request....Recipe for THA MOTHA (a pretty rawkin Asian-Style salad)

I have had a few requests for the recipe for my fave dish, "The Motha"...

I'll put up a youtube demo for it eventually, but here's a pretty good description of it:

"Tha Motha"...

It's a combination of salt n peppered cabbage underneath a mixture of greens, topped with a dollop of almond butter, a splash of apple cider vinegar and then sundried tomato infused olive oil (sundried tomatoes too). I add crunchy bean sprouts, and broccoli slaw (shredded broccoli stalks and matchstick/julienned carrots; you can usually find a bagged organic version at the store which will save you A LOT of prep time) then I'll mix all of it together by hand, making sure to get the almond butter evenly distributed. Then, I'll cut up broccoli florets and mix it again, then add a chopped avocado and lightly mix one more time.

I'll make a huge one and just take parts of it out at a time and add more cabbage and greens to it so that it lasts for a few days, sometimes longer.

It's a great salad, as it dresses itself, most of my salads do. Dressings, to me, are a friggin pain in the butt.

Haha, I like my salads like my men.

BANGIN. and self-dressed. STYLIN. and tasting as good as they smell.

TTFN cutie pies....


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Transition Week Day 10: I Feel Good (duh-nuh-nah-nuh-nah-nuh-nah)! I Knew that I Would (duh-nuh-nah-nuh-nah-nuh-nah)!

Have you had a HUGE VICTORY lately?  I HAVE!

I just put on one of my pair of pre-pregnancy jeans......and they fit!!!!

I feel such a huge amount of gratitude right now - and relief.

I am rocking a bit of a muffin top - but the fact that I can put on a size 32 is a huge victory!.   When I first returned to Kansas and tried these pants on, I couldn't even get them up past my thighs, it was a little bit heartbreaking.

Losing weight has been hard for me and a challenge I accepted.  I still can't believe I thought that 83 pounds would just 'fall off'.  That must have been the pizza talking!  Needless to say, apparently, I was listening!

My ears are now deaf to the pied piper of junk food and I couldn't be happier.  10 days straight on raw food is an accomplishment that has taken me 6 months of dedicated work to work myself up to and I am so happy that I never gave up!  I still have a long way to go, but I am getting closer!

This weekend may be challenging, Aya and I are headed up to Kansas City for a Community Building Workshop with the founders of Cafe Gratitude.  I am pretty excited about the workshop and I will be starting my juice fast on the same day!  The only thing is:  I will have access to a juicer, but not access to much time!  It is likely that the first 2 days of my juice fast will be 2 days of water fasting!  I could likely buy juice, but my inner penny pincher has a hard time justifying it!

Oh! Aya has woken up!  Time to go =D

Thanks for tuning in, more to come.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Transition Week, Day 8 Feeeeeelings, Nothing More Than..Feeeeeelings...

Do you ever have one of those days where EVERYTHING just feels like too much?

I am having one of those days!  Even watching a DVD feels like a lot of work.

My day started off like this:  I went to the post office and upon arriving, figured out that it was ten minutes to 8am, which means the post office was not open yet.  SIGH.  Ten minutes is a long time to sit in the car, especially for baby Aya.  I thought, 'Eff it, I'm going to drive to Starbucks and grab a coffee, I DESERVE IT!'

I am glad that on my way there, my reasoning and sense got the best of me and I decided to turn around and fend off the urge to get the coffee.  My thought was, 'If I keep failing, when am I going to allow myself to succeed?' After all, considering my commitment to ending my love affair with coffee, would that not be a breach of integrity, even if I did it 'just this once' again (lol)?

Once home, I was flooded with emotion.  Feelings of defeat, a bit of hopelessness and on top of it, I just feel tired.  My poor little baby is teething and she really needs a lot of attention.  The other things that need my attention have been put on the back burner for now (Toastmasters, etc).  What can I say?  This is what cleansing is all about:  being present to the emotions that come up when we remove the barriers that we create with food and whatever other substances many of us may use to suppress them, whether it be food, alcohol, other emotions (like anger).  Emotions are a powerful thing and it was all I could do to simply 'be' and just ride it out.  I sit here now, feeling grateful that the first wave of the day seems to be complete.  It's hard to remind myself that I am simply cleansing when these things come up, they seem so 'real' and 'current' and maybe they are!  Of course they are!  I am standing at the base of a huge mountain!

I thought, 'Wow, I am feeling REALLY down, what can I do to "pick myself up"?  My first thought was: exercise, followed by the next thought:  gawd no!  Aya was still awake and I was exhausted.  I have learned from the past that yes, sometimes it works to get up and 'do something' when I am feeling down.  Somehow, my body was telling me that wasn't the right thing to do.  It is often my first response to work myself harder when I am tired.   Today is different.  I am taking it easy.  I may do this for the entire cleanse and really learn how to appreciate the human life inside of me.  Just reading that last sentence brings tears to my eyes, which tells me it is the right thing to do.  I need to really get in touch with 'ME',  and allow the softer side to come out.  That side of myself is the side I want to use to make my future decisions in life, answer the burning questions that I have, and lead and allow the transformation that needs to take place both inside and out.

I googled 'feeling defeated' to see if there was any good blogging out there or any helpful suggestions or  quotes on the subject.  I found a few religious articles (not really my particular brand of uplifting disco), and a lot of questions about the subject, but really no solid 'advice'.

Then, it came to me:  EMBRACE THE DEFEAT.

The fight is over, the lights are out, the parking lot is empty.  Everyone has gone home.  Picture me, still in the ring, gloves on, swinging at my own shadow.

Take the gloves off.  Go home and get some rest.  So I lost one; what I lost, I don't know!  The defeat is coming from somewhere, maybe the past, maybe from some present issue I am not acknowledging.  It really doesn't matter.  Look it in the eye with open arms.

I feel it's important to acknowledge the hard times.  I do wish I had stories full of butterflies and sparkles to share, but cleansing is not easy, it is REAL.  Real life shows up when there is nothing to hide it behind and it's not always pretty.  I am excited for the day when the results really start to show.  Right now, I am just digging a new groove into my life and shutting the old one down.  It takes time, if you can identify, hang in there it will get better!

I feel like watching a show now.   Maybe some cauliflower popcorn and a movie.  Maybe after that some yoga.  Today will be a gentle day.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Back to the Drawing Board. (FAIL)

Today, I blog about me and for me.  Maybe you can identify with this, maybe you don’t want to read this, up to you!

According to my emails I am getting from 'The Raw Divas', while fasting/cleansing/etc, emotions come up.  We can either eat to stifle these emotions or we can move through them.  Yesterday, I made a choice to do the first.  Today, I am offering myself the opportunity to do the latter and start again.
I feel like I can’t be a part of my family, have friends and be myself at the same time.  As if it’s one or the other.  

I think back to the times when I was 100% raw, bartending, dj’ing, living in California, doing my thing there, and just being Andrea in general.  I wasn’t exactly humble, I did what I wanted when I wanted and didn't fringe upon the rights of anyone else.  I wasn’t the person anyone called when they needed help moving - because they knew that wasn’t going to happen.  I wasn’t the person people called on when they ‘needed’ something - even a good friend.  I wasn’t a daughter my parents beamed upon with pride and I wasn’t particularly worried about it, either.  I was doing EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO BE DOING.  Not worried about what they thought, trying to meet others’ expectations and not looking to others to define my sense of self.  
These days, I find myself bending to meet the needs of others, putting others needs before the needs of me and some days - like today - I get really sad.  I am not saying that the person I ‘was’ is in any way a better person than the person I am today - it is hard to compare the two, as I am in a completely different mindset than I used to be - and a completely different body, with a completely different set of circumstances.  I can’t even say I was happy back then.  It doesn’t stop me from looking back and feeling like I have lost something along the way to the person I am today, something I really would like to have back.  What that something is I am unable to define.  It seems like a combination of ambition, determination, perseverance, strength and being indifferent to what other people think.  Not even indifferent, more like completely blind, as if it what people thought of me wasn’t even on my radar.
I feel like I ‘know’ what you’re thinking:  ‘Congratulations, Andrea, welcome to the world of not being a selfish a**hole!’  Well, I’ll tell you if that’s the truth, this life and way of being sucks and I would rather be a sinner than a saint.  It doesn’t ‘feel’ right, even thought socially and familially it may be the ‘right thing to do’.  I think somewhere up in the cosmos, what seems like ‘the right thing to do’ as far as society is concerned, may be, in fact, the opposite - or close to it - of the right thing to do.
Being a parent, I am constantly concerned about what other people think and feel about me - even at the stupid grocery store sometimes.  I see people look at me and wear their opinions on their faces and I let it get to me.  Perhaps they are not even thinking of me and they just walk around with screwed up looks on their faces - why do I care anyway?  Perhaps it will wear off over time, but for now it seems to be in the front of my mind.  The way this shows up in my life is me compromising who and what I am to meet  what I perceive as the needs of people around me.
For example, last night I made chicken casserole for my family, went out to eat for lunch at The Olive Garden and skipped my bellydancing class.  Why?  To meet what I perceived as the needs of the people around me.  Aya’s daddy is in town for a few days and without even thinking, I decided that going out to eat would be a fun experience for him.  Granted, I ate soup and salad and a menial amount of pasta, which, according to my standards is straight up blasphemy and I didn't even need to do (lol) considering what I am up to right now with my juice fast and transition week.  I could have just sat there and had some lemon water.  But did I?  NO.   I also decided to take my indiscretion a step further and prepare my - infamous with my family - chicken casserole (yep, it’s pretty awesome) for dinner.  Of course, I had to taste it along the way and eat some too, resulting in me waking up with puffy face, crusty eyes, a stuffy nose and a headache.  Bleh.  Four days of smoothies and great eating down the toilet.

IT IS OCCURRING TO ME THAT I COULD BE USING THE PEOPLE AROUND ME AS SCAPEGOATS FOR MY LACK OF CONVICTION, COMMITMENT AND INTEGRITY, which is an interesting conclusion to draw - and likely the correct assessment of what is happening.
So, I have to ask myself:  what is this all about?  What emotions could I be stuffing down with food and lack of exercise, conviction and integrity?  What is the payoff for all of this ‘madness’ and why am I being lazy?
Yes, it is hard being a single mom some days.  It is a 24 hour/day job.  There are no breaks, there isn’t a lot of money and sometimes I just want to hang my head and cry.  I ache to ‘belong’ somewhere, to have friends and a social life and a good steady income where my daughter is included in my work.  All of those things come at a price, whether it's time and gas or tough decisions.  What I want is a lifestyle and social life healthy for us, why is this seemingly so difficult to create?  I feel I am creating it right now, at times I get scared when I think about how sustainable it is or isn't and what sacrifices I will need to make in the future to keep it going.
I have found that ‘like minded people’ who ‘seem’ to be into meditation and yoga, raw food, ‘health’ and those sort of things seem a bit heavy to me in general, conspiracy theorists and a bit on the negative side -  ok, totally living out the fear based lifestyle.  People who are lighter and more fun are usually out drowning their (insert whatever here) with alcohol and cigarettes, and other recreational ‘junk’ etc.  Where is that happy ‘medium’ that I belong to?  Where are the people who have fun doing things they feel good about not only while they are doing them, but also the morning after?  Where are the people who have little babies and love being around them enough to make the necessary sacrifices of nights at the bar, steady streams of income from jobs they hate anyway and 
What I want is friends who like to get together and do yoga and make raw food.  Let’s do a workout tape and make a raw cheesecake and some banana ice cream and eat it ALL while watching a cheesy rom-com (romantic comedy) or awesome action thriller.  Let’s relax and fold laundry and do some crunches.  Why does this have to seem so ‘out there’ for the majority of the people I know?  Are they wanting to escape from the life they have created that badly?  Or am I simply so outside of normal (and happy to be it, by the way) that these things are completely unfathomable to a lot of people?
What is the draw for the ‘normal’ activities that we are all drawn to that seem to me to be a waste of money and time?  What is the payoff in spending hard earned money that could be over a million dollars in our savings accounts by the time we retire if we just invested it right on junk food for our minds and bodies?  Where is the payoff in temporary stifling of conscious living?  
I am sad and a little anxious when I think about my future.  Conversely, I get excited as I know I am asking the right questions and making the right mistakes.  Still, it feels like I have SO FAR TO GO.  Yes, enjoy the journey, blah blah blah.  I get that.  This is my emotional outpouring for the day, this is my cryout for peace in my little mental babylon.  I want space in my mind and clarity.  I suppose the best way to do that is to really work on my personal integrity, I am the only one with the power to create in my life.  
“If I build it, will they come?”
“Do I really want community?”  
“Why am I so afraid of not having money?”
“What is this fear all about?  When will it end?  How can I take the right steps to transmute my fear into something positive?”
“How long will it take for me to get the right results?”
“When am I going to stop polling the people around me about my life and start listening to the voice inside of me?”
The answers to these questions will come within the next few days, says the voice inside of myself.  The real question, it says to me, is are you going to finally start listening again?
Transition week starts over again tomorrow.  It is today as well, but I had a little bit of coffee and to me, that means back to the drawing board.  I have learned from my slipup.
It is not always about the food.  It is about keeping my promises to myself and doing what I say I am going to do.  It is about not being afraid of the imagined consequences: the loss of love of someone(s), poverty, etc.  I think those are my two biggest fears, loss of love and poverty.  Those are big ones, but now that I have identified them, here we go!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Transition Week, Day 1 (and yesterday's shopping list and total)

The first thought that came to my mind as my first sip (lol, more like gulp!) of my Mango Banana smoothie as I begin my ‘transition week’ is DAMN, how I have missed raw food.   It is ELECTRIFYING.  I can feel the goodness oozing into my body and filling my blood with oxygen and nutrients!
Then, I laugh at the term ‘raw food’.  Sometimes, I think it is just plain silly to have to refer to whole, unprocessed food as ‘Raw Food’ and give it a name.  Shouldn’t junk food burden the adjective?  
Anyway, I am nothing short of amazed at how I could go without this lifestyle for so long.    I even have to admit that this morning, I put off having my smoothie so that I could drink a cup of coffee while I fed Baby Aya and am collapsing breakfast with lunch (at 12:49pm).  What an interesting examination of my eating habits this transition week will provide! 
More importantly than what I feel this smoothie is doing for me, is what it’s NOT DOING to me.  There is a distinct difference between eating food in a cooked state and eating whole, unprocessed foods.  Even something as simple as using pasteurized apple juice and orange juice in smoothies makes a HUGE difference in how I feel when drinking one.  Upon drinking this smoothie, I felt what I can only describe as ‘relief’, like my body made one giant, exalted SIGH.  It isn’t burdened with figuring out what it is digesting, no white blood cells are rushing to my stomach, alerted that some mangled, unknown substance is attempting to enter my bloodstream.  Enzymes aren’t colliding with one another in my intestines, frantically attempting to decipher what insane concoction of melted, sopping, goopy (and poorly chewed) shenanigans are occurring down there, slowing down my brain activity and diverting my valuable oxygen carrying blood supply from it and down into my belly.
Instead of feeling tired, I feel energized, which I feel is a more enticing representation of what ‘should’ happen when I put FOOD in my body.  Why should my temple crumble and sputter and require rest each time I eat?  That doesn’t make sense if the purpose of eating is to provide nutrition and energy for the body.  Why would I want to eat something that makes me tired and wish I could just lay my head on my desk and pass out?
Take me the right way here, I am in no way negating that cooked food tastes great.  It sure does when that is what I am ‘used to’ eating.  However, after just one smoothie and salad, cooked food seems really unappealing without the ‘peer pressure’ from my family. If you think that raw food won’t make that much of a difference for you, it is my simple request that you try it out for two weeks and see how you feel.  Until that point, how can you really know?  I tried it that way for myself for two weeks and didn’t go back to cooked foods for almost 5 years!
Ok, I promised my shopping list and total yesterday for this week’s transitional food purchases.  This total is for EVERYTHING except the herbs and a couple of other ingredients, which I estimate to be about $10 once purchased.
Here is what I bought (@ Sam's Club):
8 mangoes
3# of lemons
12 nectarines
4# strawberries
3# almonds
1 pineapple
22 bananas
1# baby spring mix
1# spinach
6 romaine hearts
3# blueberries
3# broccoli florets
3# cherub tomatoes
Total Price:  $73.81
I am not kidding.  When I saw the total, I thought, WOW!  this is awesome!  Most weeks raw, I likely will not use anywhere near this much produce, but for a transition week, I feel it is really important to have A LOT of food on hand in the event that I need a snack or something.  I can always prepare and freeze the whole fruits in a freezer bag in the event that I don’t eat them fast enough.  The tomatoes, I can google a gazpacho recipe or a raw marinara if I don’t use them in enough time.  I will definitely use the greens, as I am really fond of salads. 
My favorite salad recipe right now:
First, I took about 1# of almonds and chopped them up in my food processor (could have used a knife, but I’m a fan of convenience, speed and smaller mess), then added about 3 T of sesame oil and a bunch of sea salt and mixed it up in a bowl. I set that aside.
Then, I chopped up 1 romaine heart, added a good sized handful of baby spring mix and chopped 10 cherub tomatoes in half and threw it all in a bowl with a large handful of broccoli florets.  I doused it all in olive oil, squirted the juice of 1/2 a fresh lemon over that and about 1/4 cup of the sesame oil/almond/salt mixture.  I mixed all of that up really well and grabbed a fork.  This salad is HUGE and will satiate any appetite!  A good addition would be some chopped basil, but l won’t be picking up herbs until later today.  This is a great, basic salad that is filling and tastes really great!
Alright, I am really craving that salad now, so I’m outskies.  More to share later on, including pics tomorrow morning!  Thanks for tuning in!  

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Juice Cleanse Tranitional Week Starts Today!


Up to this point, I have attempted juice fasts, but always on my own and I have yet to make it halfway through day 2.  This time, I have hired a team of professionals (The Raw Divas) to assist me in this endeavor and I'm REALLY PUMPED!

I just downloaded their transitional week recipe book and shopping list.  The CHEF in me wants to trash this list all together and 'go my own way', but the HUMAN in me wants to simply follow the plan.  I am going with the human in me today.  Being a good little human, I am armed with my Sam's Club card, my shopping list and am on my way out the door!

I have to say I am a bit concerned about just having a smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a smoothie or soup for dinner!  Not concerned about nutrition, but dammit! I LOVE TO EAT (which is the thinking that got me in the body predicament I am in, so I'm not listenin)!  Not to mention that eating is a real source of entertainment for me.

I am happy to do this cleanse, it gives me something to focus on other than 'What am I going to eat next?'.  It will also allow me to recalibrate my relationship with food and transform it back into the loving relationship with myself it once was and tune into my real reason for eating in the first place:  to nourish my body.  I have developed some habits of eating for many reasons other than that over the last year - entertainment, taste, emotional (whether for celebration or sadness), social, as in business or networking), etc, etc, etc.  Believe me, they have shown up in some funky ways!

I have yet to decide how I am going to exercise throughout this cleanse, so I will likely play it by ear.  I am thinking yoga every day for probably an hour, and maybe some pilates - because pilates = results!  I haven't touched my P90X tapes in a while, they are just plain annoying and I would rather spend 1/2 hour sweating on an elliptical machine with some great music.  The P90X workouts are fantastic - but you have to be SUPER motivated.  After a week or so, I found myself standing and glaring at my TV for a lot of the workout, so it really wasn't doing me much good.  The machines work better for me - and running once I lose some more weight - because I HAVE to keep moving or it beeps at me.  Music is also a big motivator for me, and P90X leaves a lot to be desired in the music department.  If you are like me and music moves you, then I would suggest a good old fashioned elliptical or stairmaster workout!  I have also added a couple of group exercise classes to my weekly schedule, one of them is bellydancing.  It is a blast and I love the social setting, it keeps me motivated to go because I get to talk to people and have a great time and I'm learning something.  Also, watching myself in the mirror and seeing my body do things that are sexy and things I once thought impossible for me to do benefits me in two ways:  1) I feel sexy (and who wouldn't want to feel that?) 2.) I feel a sense of accomplishment.  Also, its a great core workout.

Ok, I am off to shop.  This will be fun!

Because I am going 100% Raw for this transition, here are some before pictures I am taking right now (no makeup, so BEWARE! Lol).  

 You know, I look at these pics and genuinely enjoy this body.  It is not the magazine type of sexy, there are definitely curves and bumps and nooks and crannies (lol), but it is soft, squeezable and delicious!

What I enjoy more, though, is a body that can run 5 miles.  A body that can run 1 mile without my knees swelling up in rebellion would be FANTASTIC!  A body without cellulite - or at least less.  Yes, I am aware that I am 30 years old and that some things 'just happen' with age.  I don't buy it, though.  Things happen after years of poor choices.  Muscles atrophy from lack of exercise,
 undigested food and junk build up in the colon from lack of adequate fiber and water intake, and the skin sags and wrinkles from more of the above mentioned.
I will age gracefully and beautifully, like a glass of fine wine, rather than a shriveled up fat little raisin, complaining about aches and pains and lack of energy so commonly accepted by the majority of the population in place of good food choices and a little bit of discipline.  The discipline is really only required for a short while, I believe, as once results start showing up, I, personally, find it hard to do things any other way and I find my body really begins to crave that exercise, water and good food.  Once that happens, it is only a matter of time before it becomes HABIT.

If you have been a subscriber for a while, you will notice that I have made quite a bit of progress from when I first posted pictures!  Also, when I first posted those pictures, I had already lost almost 60 pounds!  I was a mean 197 after I gave birth to my daughter.  I would guess that right now I am about 175.  An earlier post estimated 165, but my guestimate was 10 pounds off!
Mmmm, look at those curves!  

Sam's Club LOOK OUT!  This sexy momma is on the loose!

Thanks for tuning in!  See you soon!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Grossing Myself OUT! And reeling it back IN!

I am not sure why I do this, but knowing that I am going on a juice binge/fast/cleanse/feast (depending on who's selling what book, lol), my eating habits have taken a turn for what I can describe as none other than "a last hurrah".

I have wanted coffee, hot dogs, pasta, capn crunch - yep, I ate it!  All I can say is that after the last few days, I am feeling mighty gross!  I feel 'icky', sticky, slimy, gooey and so many other adjectives in blatant contrast of how I feel when I eat what I know is good for me.

I am approaching this barrage of grossout with a few questions:  What is this all about?  Is there a 9 year old inside of me that never fully expressed herself?  Am I simply cycling through my old eating patterns as they are on the outskies?  How do I prepare myself for 'not wanting' these things in the future?

Suddenly, it pops into my head. Duh! All of the above.  I believe that, yes, my body is cycling through somewhat of a 'last hurrah', squeezing in as much 'junk' as it can before I cut the cord.  I am doing exactly what I need to do to prepare myself for these 10 days of what will seem really hard at the time, I am sure, but once it is over, will be one of the greatest and exalting feelings I will ever have!  I now know and understand what these foods 'really' feel like - the antithesis of energy - and am really looking forward to this weeks' preparation for next weeks juice fast.  At this time, I anxiously await my email with the guided preparation!

Being a well-being coach and a raw food chef, I laugh at myself for the time period of pregnancy - now. When I drop those two titles and see myself as simply a human being, it is easier to be compassionate and understand where all of these things are coming from.  There are no excuses, I am simply a powerful person on a mission and there are experiences that I need to have to allow me to be who I need to be to do what I am here to do - easy enough to understand.  I now know and 'get' the trials that are present for all of us when we are making positive changes in our lifestyles and how easy it is to get sidetracked by 'just one bite' or 'I'll just start over tomorrow'.  UNDERSTOOD.  Now, ready to move on!

Yet, as icky as I feel, there is still an almost irresistable urge inside of me for one last bag of chips, then one last bowl of ice cream, one last bowl of cap'n crunch, one last of whatever you could possibly imagine! One last cup of coffee...etc.  There is part of me that wishes I could capture this 'ickyness' on tape.  I can only capture the physical, though.

I could have tried harder to make this look like a 'bad' pic....let's see the one below it!  All I had to do was post the pic of what I looked like this morning right after having woken up plus add some 'slouching', see what a difference it makes?  Last night I ate rice with a homemade gravy from flour, milk, oil, and salt (at around midnight, lol) and that is the mug I woke up with!   Inflammation is such a bummer! When I stay away from processed food and dairy - and corn for some reason - I do NOT wake up with 'puffy balloon face'.  Puffy balloon face also walks hand in hand with 'wow, I feel shitty, let's compound that with some more crap' thinking and 'you know, I've worked out for the last week, today I'm going to take a day off (which turns into three days at least)' thinking.

The point here is that I see a correlation - or should I see the chain reaction/domino effect that one poor/misguided/lazy/'relaxation of standard decision can make.  Of the likely millions of choices I can make in a day, wouldn't I want to make the best ones so that in a year I'm really reaping the benefits, rather than still sitting in this chair ruminating on why 'being reasonable with my health' isn't working out? FOMAL.  So, if you call me for a coaching session and tell me you want to do something 'reasonable' with your diet, I will simply ask you why you called me and refer you back to your current diet which is getting you those same stellar, reasonable results that brought you to me in the first place!

Love you, love me, loving my choices, the process and this adventure!

That being said, I am VERY excited about the ensuing transformation and all of the sexy things that will come along with it.  I hope you'll tune in with me and watch me to see what happens when I start making different choices with my diet - again, lol.  I feel that a juice binge is a great way to wipe the slate clean!  If you are interested in juice feasting/fasting/bingeing/cleansinge along with me, here is the link to the program I will be using. HURRY THOUGH! I think they stop taking clients on at the END OF THE DAY TODAY!

NO, I get NO KICKBACK for this link.  I think these ladies are talented at what they do and will never hesitate to pass on what I think is great information - whether I profit from it or not.


Sunday, July 17, 2011


1. My daughter.
2. I live in a free country.
3. Cats!
4. My car is paid off.
5. I can/know how to/do save money.
6. Toastmasters!
7.  I have some amazing friends.
8.  I have a great family.
9.  I have perfectly functioning organs and limbs.
10. I know what I should be doing, I just don't always do it.
11.  Common sense.
12.  Air to breathe.
13.  I wake up without an alarm clock.
14.  People like this blog!
15.  My path and everything in it.
16.  Computers.
17.  Touch.
18.  Hugs!
19.  Slobbery baby kisses.
20.  The noise my daughter makes ONLY when she is eating her oats.
21.  Bananas!
22.  Wicked casserole
23.  Mad cooking skills!
24.  Yoga.
25.  The air I breathe.
26.  My bed.
27.  Sleep.
28.  Food!
29.  The privilege of making choices.
30.  Fourth of July fireworks.
31.  Meeting new people.
32.  New friends.
33.  Old friends.
34.  Lessons learned.
35.  Lessons I will learn.
36. College.
37.  Being 30 - finally!
38.  Relaxation.
39.  Coupons.
40.  Exotic places.
41.  People of many colors, shapes, sizes and cultures.
42.  That I have so much to be grateful for.
43.  Resourcefulness.
44.  Initiative.
45.  Perseverance.
46.  Inner Peace.
47.  Wisdom - whether I have it or not!
48.  Synchronicity.
49.  Books.
50.  Jokes.
51.  A sense of humor to get jokes with.
52.  Funny people!
53.  Movies.
54.  Musicians.
55.  Farms.
56.  Farmers.
57.  Courage.
58.  Discipline.
59.  Success.
60.  30 day return policies, lol.
61.  Shopping!
62.  Farmer's Markets!
63.  Education.
64.  Opportunity.
65.  Organization.
66.  Analysis.
68.  Hawai'i.
69.  Kansas.
70.  California!
71.  Preparation.
72.  Rewards.
73.  Attention to detail.
74.  Paint!
75.  Furniture.
76.  Style.
77.  Space.
78.  Recycling.
79.  Biodiversity.
80.  People who are smarter than me.
81.  The stupid people who teach me lessons about myself everyday.
82. Grace.
83.  Forgiveness.
84.  Challenge.
85.  Siestas.
86.  Art.
87.  Final Friday!
88.  Hula hoops!
89.  Fire.
90.  Wa-ter.
91.  Count Dracula - he's so funny =D
92.  Happy childhood memories.
93.  My grandparents.
94.  My mom.
95.  Learning.
96.  Inspirational quotes.
97.  Sharing myself with others.
98.  Turning the other cheek.
99.  My foot can reach my mouth when it needs to.
100.  Gardens.

My Cup Overfloweth - and So Doth My Plate!

I should have smiled!
Oh! The feeling of being FULL.  So full that I can/could barely walk.  So full that within 10 minutes of leaving the dinner table, I am/was slumped over asleep on the couch!
Call it comfort eating, call it overindulgence, I call it ‘the American Way’.  I don’t know many people who - at some point during their week, possibly even daily - don’t eat this way.  Is it healthy?  I don’t think so, no matter what we are eating.  I learned this - or taught myself this - eating habit at an incredibly young age.  I retrained my tastebuds and my eating habits, from the age of 24-26.  Once I became pregnant, I had, or my body had, completely forgotten how to ride the bicycle called satiety and is still rocking the training wheels.
I have heard that while pregnant, a woman cycles back through all of her life experiences and has a chance to ‘experience’ them all over again.  For me, this was the case.  Also, for me, the only thing I can compare it to is quitting smoking for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th time, each time exponentially more difficult than the last.
I have said this before, I think:  The first time I went raw, I did it overnight.  Whatever it was that sparked that intense burst of inspiration to carry me on through the next few years was incredibly powerful.  At the time, I was 24 and a bartender, a dj and a slam poet of sorts.  I was immersed in a world I would call ‘the night life’.  Surrounded by people with some pretty insane habits and routines - and I was one of them.  I think at some point, which must have been the day I ate a fully raw meal for the first time at Karyn’s in Chicago, I caught a glimpse of what was possible in the realm of ‘feeling’ regarding being healthy.  Maybe, just maybe, I got mad enough to leave it all behind.  What followed in the next four years was an amazing transformation, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually.  It continues to unfold everyday, although I am not exactly a ‘100 percent raw foodie’.  This is part of my journey.
“What is in the way, is the way.” Guy Finley
I read this out of a longer quote posted on a friends facebook page yesterday.  What I typed is simply what I would consider the most important piece out of all of what I would consider to be his ‘logorreahic’ method of making incredibly simple things into way too many words.  But I digress.
Actually, there it is.  I am making a mountain out of a molehill.  I can remember after a couple of years being raw and having read a considerable amount of books on “The Raw Food Diet”, laughing because I had a hard time understanding why people would spend more time reading about Raw Food than actually just eating Raw Food.  The logic - or complete lack thereof, defied me.  I would see people ‘on the search’ for answers to some of the most pointless questions - meaningless distractions.  Fast forward 6 years later, I am that person.  I am that person thinking that ‘if I could just find an interesting book to spark my fire, suddenly my passion for raw food will be reignited.  I have to laugh at being ‘that guy’ I used to laugh at.  
Not too bad, I'm getting there!
I can see where this echos out in ripples throughout my life.  For example, I also have had a fascination with facebook in as much as when I log out, I feel regret, like I have ‘wasted time’ I could have spent doing something more valuable.  The fixer in me may think that reading a book on how to get organized would be a great and inspiring solution, when in fact, the best idea may be simply to dodge my urge to get on facebook and instead fast forward myself in my mind to what I would think I ‘should have done’ after I logged out of facebook and just do that instead.  I hope there is at least one person still on this train of thought with me! If I have lost you, my apologies.  I am making a correlation between my eating habits and other lifestyle habits and trying to demonstrate how they are related and it is my hope I am delivering it clearly.  I hope I am delivering it clearly because I believe if I can address the root cause of all of this distraction and relieve it, all things emanating from it will cease.
To put it in short, my fascination with facebook is to my love for distraction as my fascination with eating and regretting it later is to my love for/my addiction to a guilty feeling.  The same could also be said for pretty much anything I do in place of what I really feel and know is best at that time.  It is simply an aberration from what is important to me at my core.  How did I get here to this spot of comfort in discomfort - and not the healthy discomfort?  That thought right there is simply another distraction.  Do you see where I am going with this?  There is always a payoff!  Although, I may not honestly be willing or able to see it, I want one result more than the other.  I want to feel regretful more than I want to feel accomplished.  I want to have my eating to complain about more than I want to feel the power of discretion.  Whether this stems from the complete arrogance I had when I was high raw before - because I was a total a-hole about food - and my fear of becoming that person again, or I am just plain lazy, only time -  and deep inquiry - will tell.

I feel the best way to approach things right now is to wonder what all of this distraction is about.  I could ask myself: What process am I trying to slow down with these pearls of distraction?  Is there fear here?  Fear of what?  Am I scared to feel great again because I will lose my ability to relate to my family and friends and their aches and pains, illness and problems?  Am I afraid to rise above because the eagle soars alone?  Do I wish I were simply able to just ‘let loose’ and be indifferent about things?  How do I approach raw food in a way that doesn’t alienate the people around me?
The answer to the last question I come up with immediately is: there isn’t a way to approach raw food that doesn’t alienate people.  I feel it confronts people’s beliefs and fundamental foundation of life in such a way that right away people feel overwhelmed and offended.  This also is based in the belief that the simple act of eating in itself is so deeply rooted in our lives that any thought of doing ‘eating’ in a different way throws us for quite a loop!  This is my instant point of view.  I know that right now when I am around 100% raw foodies I feel alienated!  I can feel the machinery in my head start running beneath my calm, warm exterior, justifying my lack of diligence and discretion, shooting down anything I can about the other’s ‘being’, telling myself that there’s no way they can feel ‘that great’, when I, myself, truly know better after over 4 years of experience myself!
Where this is all leading is that I am aware of my intentional misleading of myself and I am in a complete sense of wonder about it.  There are other places I could go with this, but I prefer to stay here and ask myself thoughtful questions like the ones above and see what I come up with.  Approaching myself like a dirty cop in an interrogation room will get me nowhere.  However, maybe with a coffee and some doughnuts - pun intended - this little hungry person inside will be more willing to spill her beans and let go.  Until then, I see my body in pictures and in bellydance class and right now, I genuinely love it.  I wish I had some crazy daisy philosophy to pin it to, but really, I don't.  I am sexy!  There are some changes I would love to see and I will see them when I make the appropriate adjustments - and I know that I will.  Life is too short to trip.  I have so much to be grateful for and to realize that I am a human with perfectly functioning limbs, eyes and ears, that I get to eat each day whenever and whatever I choose, I am youthful, I have a healthy, beautiful body and pretty much any opportunity within my imagination - as long as I am willing to do what it takes to seize it - is within my reach, is a blessing in itself.

What are your thoughts on this?  I am interested if you see any parallels in your own life, or think I am simply bat shit crazy. Maybe you see some resemblance here and there or maybe I lost you somewhere.  Either way, I would love for you to share your thoughts with me!

Thanks for tuning in, until next time:


Eating, Then and Now

Me:  “I eat like a bird.”
Grandma:  “Yeah, a vulture!”
As a kid, I can remember being called a ‘big eater’ and feeling proud of myself when I would get cheered on well through my second helping of food.  On my dad’s side of the family, there weren’t many ‘skinny’ women.  It wasn’t valued as part of our family culture.  Whether that was because they were all fat and weren’t doing anything about it, or it simply wasn’t important to them, they certainly weren’t going to have it be a part of my system of values, either.  I was affectionately referred to as ‘big boned’, and when people would meet me, I would beam with pride as they would remark about how tall I was.  Really, it was what they weren’t saying that may have been useful to hear, but then again, at such a young age, how could I have had the means to correct my situation? 
I can remember the satisfaction I felt from being so full that I couldn't do much more than waddle my little butt over to the couch and fall asleep.  What a great habit to start at such a young age!
As I got into middle and high school, I always had a ‘pooch’.  My mom would constantly remind me to ‘suck in my gut’.  I got into sports like volleyball, as I am a tall person, so my eating habits didn’t show too much, from what I can remember.  However, as I got older, guess what showed up?  Yes! A gut - or as I like to refer to it, a front butt.  I was dating a boy who worked in a shoe store and I’ll never forget the day I went in there and one of his co-workers made the comment, “Yeah, she’s cute, but isn’t she kind of fat?”  How embarrassing, I was 17 years old!  It did give me a bit of a complex.  Having never embraced ‘good’ eating habits and false-priding myself on being a ‘big girl’, I decided that I would just hate skinny, pretty girls with all of my soul, rather than educate myself and remedy the situation.
Fast forward through 8 years of tumultuous relations with my image and I was finally willing to admit the truth.  Yes! I wanted to be thin and feel sexy.  Does it take being thin to feel sexy?  No!  I only know that now after having been thin and still not being happy with the person that I was.  Yes, it is all about the inside, but sometimes the reflection of the inside is what shows up on the outside.
For example:  are you overweight and your house is cluttered and your mind/thinking disorganized?  Are you hanging on to tons of old ‘stuff’ (clothes, things with ‘sentimental value’) trying to relive those ‘glory days’?  Are you hoping that some day you’ll fit into those pants again?  Does money seem to slip through your fingers like sand?  If so, I CAN RELATE!  The keys to unlocking what is holding us back may be right at the end of our noses, all we have to do is take an honest look down.
What has helped me the most as of late has been to both physically and mentally move on.  I gave all of my ‘hot bartender’ clothes to a girl who could fit into them and updated my wardrobe to something more resembling who I am as a person now, not who I was - or who I think I want to get back to.  That girl was just that:  a hot girl.  I am woman, I am mother, I am life.  I no longer open my closet to boxes of wishes for a body that no longer exists and a self-loathing that I am not that way right now.  
What it has done for me:  It has allowed me to reconcile who I was with who I am and allowed me to make peace with and embrace the present.  I feel like before anything can/will change, I need to be content with the present - and get that other foot out of the past.
So, my suggestion:  if there is something you haven’t used or worn for 6 months or more, get rid of it.  If it’s a box and you don’t know what’s in it - don’t even open it! Just get it out of your house.  Allow what is no longer serving you to serve someone else, it will be a huge weight off of your shoulders and a fantastic feeling to have all of that open space where there used to be clutter and an endless to-do list!
I would also love to share that my 30 days 100% plan was another epic fail!  I am at peace with it.  It will come when the time is right for me.  My exercise routine has also changed, and probably will continue to evolve, as I have found that I am not someone who can do the same thing over and over and over again.
What DOES work for me:  great motivating music, which is different for everyone.  I can get down on the elliptical machine at a level 6 for 30 minutes, which takes me roughly 2.25-2.5 miles - if I am jamming to good music.  The kind of tunes that motivate me are songs that make me want to dance.  Something different may work for you.  When I was running, I really liked classical and jazz.  For now, I need the pounding bass to keep my butt in gear. 
I have also began to enjoy pilates again.  I like it because it works my whole body at once and offers exercises that lean and lengthen, which are of huge benefit to me right now.  
The bottom line:  I do my best to work out for 1.5 hours/day, no matter what I am doing.  Right now, it is generally a combination of cardio, yoga and pilates - and that could easily change.  
As far as eating goes, I eat as much raw, unprocessed whole food as I can and I realize it is going to take some time to turn this ship.  I also drink at least 2 liters of water/day, more if I am working outside in the heat! I am willing to be patient and loving to myself no matter what and that feels a lot better than anything else.
With regard to eating and exercise, what have you found lately, or in the past, that works for you?  How are you doing with your workout routine?