Saturday, July 23, 2011

Grossing Myself OUT! And reeling it back IN!

I am not sure why I do this, but knowing that I am going on a juice binge/fast/cleanse/feast (depending on who's selling what book, lol), my eating habits have taken a turn for what I can describe as none other than "a last hurrah".

I have wanted coffee, hot dogs, pasta, capn crunch - yep, I ate it!  All I can say is that after the last few days, I am feeling mighty gross!  I feel 'icky', sticky, slimy, gooey and so many other adjectives in blatant contrast of how I feel when I eat what I know is good for me.

I am approaching this barrage of grossout with a few questions:  What is this all about?  Is there a 9 year old inside of me that never fully expressed herself?  Am I simply cycling through my old eating patterns as they are on the outskies?  How do I prepare myself for 'not wanting' these things in the future?

Suddenly, it pops into my head. Duh! All of the above.  I believe that, yes, my body is cycling through somewhat of a 'last hurrah', squeezing in as much 'junk' as it can before I cut the cord.  I am doing exactly what I need to do to prepare myself for these 10 days of what will seem really hard at the time, I am sure, but once it is over, will be one of the greatest and exalting feelings I will ever have!  I now know and understand what these foods 'really' feel like - the antithesis of energy - and am really looking forward to this weeks' preparation for next weeks juice fast.  At this time, I anxiously await my email with the guided preparation!

Being a well-being coach and a raw food chef, I laugh at myself for the time period of pregnancy - now. When I drop those two titles and see myself as simply a human being, it is easier to be compassionate and understand where all of these things are coming from.  There are no excuses, I am simply a powerful person on a mission and there are experiences that I need to have to allow me to be who I need to be to do what I am here to do - easy enough to understand.  I now know and 'get' the trials that are present for all of us when we are making positive changes in our lifestyles and how easy it is to get sidetracked by 'just one bite' or 'I'll just start over tomorrow'.  UNDERSTOOD.  Now, ready to move on!

Yet, as icky as I feel, there is still an almost irresistable urge inside of me for one last bag of chips, then one last bowl of ice cream, one last bowl of cap'n crunch, one last of whatever you could possibly imagine! One last cup of coffee...etc.  There is part of me that wishes I could capture this 'ickyness' on tape.  I can only capture the physical, though.

I could have tried harder to make this look like a 'bad' pic....let's see the one below it!  All I had to do was post the pic of what I looked like this morning right after having woken up plus add some 'slouching', see what a difference it makes?  Last night I ate rice with a homemade gravy from flour, milk, oil, and salt (at around midnight, lol) and that is the mug I woke up with!   Inflammation is such a bummer! When I stay away from processed food and dairy - and corn for some reason - I do NOT wake up with 'puffy balloon face'.  Puffy balloon face also walks hand in hand with 'wow, I feel shitty, let's compound that with some more crap' thinking and 'you know, I've worked out for the last week, today I'm going to take a day off (which turns into three days at least)' thinking.

The point here is that I see a correlation - or should I see the chain reaction/domino effect that one poor/misguided/lazy/'relaxation of standard decision can make.  Of the likely millions of choices I can make in a day, wouldn't I want to make the best ones so that in a year I'm really reaping the benefits, rather than still sitting in this chair ruminating on why 'being reasonable with my health' isn't working out? FOMAL.  So, if you call me for a coaching session and tell me you want to do something 'reasonable' with your diet, I will simply ask you why you called me and refer you back to your current diet which is getting you those same stellar, reasonable results that brought you to me in the first place!

Love you, love me, loving my choices, the process and this adventure!

That being said, I am VERY excited about the ensuing transformation and all of the sexy things that will come along with it.  I hope you'll tune in with me and watch me to see what happens when I start making different choices with my diet - again, lol.  I feel that a juice binge is a great way to wipe the slate clean!  If you are interested in juice feasting/fasting/bingeing/cleansinge along with me, here is the link to the program I will be using. HURRY THOUGH! I think they stop taking clients on at the END OF THE DAY TODAY!

NO, I get NO KICKBACK for this link.  I think these ladies are talented at what they do and will never hesitate to pass on what I think is great information - whether I profit from it or not.



  1. I know exactly how you feel. Everytime I refocus on my cancer diet, I have to go crazy and eat pizza and chocolate, one last time, which is really just silly. But we do it anyway, and I'm sure it is that inner child rebelling one last time. You can do this! I believe in you!

  2. Thanks Shanna! I CAN DO IT and I WILL DO IT! Love you, lady and your awesome words of encouragement!
