Monday, December 19, 2011

It Ain't Easy Going Green.....and Other Lies I Tell Myself

Today marks an important landmark:  I am getting back on the green juice horse.

Not only that, but I am going on a green juice fast after I finish the rest of the food in my fridge.

For almost a year, I have been leaned back on my haunches, allowing my body to heal up, and 'waiting' for a signal that the time is right.  I got that signal today:  I GOT FED UP.

Fed up with 'needing' coffee every morning (ok, ok, and NIGHT) - although with this blessed rainy day, I can feel my little brain screaming "Ahh, won't it taste and smell so good?  What about all that sleep you didn't get last night?  I don't care if it is acidic and make your skin all mottled and blotchy - I WANT SOME!"  Too bad, brain/body, you will thank me in a few days.  So, I got some peppermint tea - which really helps me to stifle cravings for pretty much anything.  There is also a wonderful coffee substitute out there called Teecino (  I really love it.

My body will also thank me in a few days for what I am not putting in it:  junk food. OF ANY KIND.  No more processed stuff.  PLAIN AND SIMPLE.  I am terrified of Christmas dinner right now, I want it so bad - well, at least a part of me does - the fat part. No, I'm not fat, but inside of all of us is a little fat kid waiting to get at that buffet!  This is what discipline is all about.  I will walk up to those mashed potatoes and give them the finger!  As soon as food stops being a source of short-term relief - and entertainment - beautiful things are going to really blossom.

What's behind all of this, you ask?  Plain and simple:  VANITY - and of course, long term health, but vanity is at the forefront - and frankly, I'm really fine with that.  If my ego helps me to eat better, exercise and do things that truly make me feel and look radiant, I say GREAT.

When it comes to looking good, green juice, whole, unprocessed - and mostly uncooked - foods (and of course, exercise) really do the trick.  Something about all of that chlorophyll and those phytonutrients really lends to bodily/facial symmetry and a yummy, sexy glow.  But why now?  I'm 30!  Isn't it time to just accept that I'm getting older?  Sure! I am super happy - most of the time - about being 30.  I am really coming into who I truly am, and part of that person I truly am isn't into sacrificing long term health for short-term satisfaction and entertainment - which is exactly what coffee and other things I have consumed up until this morning, are for me.  Maybe that isn't what they are to you, but for me, that's just the plain truth.

I know that some of my social interaction will decrease as a result of this, but I am kind of happy about that.  I have so much to occupy my time with that I really cannot afford to do things that take me out of focus.  If it is something enjoyable - ok, but lately I have noticed myself just wishing I was home while I was hanging out with some of my friends.  I love them, I really, really do!  They are wonderful, beautiful people. But, when we hang out, I find myself doing what they're doing just to be a part of the crew - except the drinking, I am really not into alcohol.  I sit around with them, eat food that, deep down inside, I find to be pretty gross, and watch them drink and get sloppy...and all the while, in my mind, I'm thinking - dang, I could be at home right now, in my little haven, snuggled up with my little one and watching Lost.  Or better yet, in the middle of a yoga tape, or doing some bellydancing drills, finishing up my not cookbook, etc.  I just find myself thinking that I could be doing more fruitful things with my time than watching people get wasted and eating food that is going to derail my poop train.

Which brings me to now:

On top of this year being the year that I will get into/be in the best physical, mental, financial and spiritual shape of my life, I ALSO HAVE A PHOTO SHOOT COMING UP ON JANUARY 3rd and I want to look AMAZING for it.  A lot of the things I am consuming right now simply aren't conducive to that goal!  I want my shiny, sparkly hair back.  My gorgeous, glowing skin.  Bright, sparkly eyes that say "I'll meet you at the comet with the rest of my cult <falls off her chair laughing>". Really though!  I have been happy with what I see when I look in the mirror up to this point - for the most part.  However, I can feel a growing sense of dissatisfaction and know that I can do more, be more, etc.  I don't think I'll look back when I'm older and wish I hadn't really 'gone for it'.

I have started an amazing new workout, and I love it.  It's a combination of weights and 'cardio'. I put 'cardio' in quotes because I am WALKING!  Generally, an hour each day - I get 2 hours of childcare with my YMCA membership, so I am taking FULL ON ADVANTAGE of that!  Anyway, I walk for the first 20 minutes at about 3.8 mph on a level 5 incline.  Then, the second 20 minutes at 3.3-3.5 mph at a level 10 (or 7 =D) .  The last 20 are whatever.  And sometimes, the whole hour is whatever.  Actually, somedays it's a 1/2 hour.  It really depends.  The point is, I am getting cardio that is great for my knees and joints and it keeps me in the 'fat burning' zone, rather than the 'endurance' zone.  I could care less if I can run 6 miles, my goal is to burn fat, not run a marathon.  And I would prefer to do it at a pace that is enjoyable enough for me to want to go back every other day and do it.  It's kind of hard to justify not making it to the gym because I 'didn't feel like walking today'. Ya dig?  When there's no feasible excuse, there's only accomplishment.

As far as the weights go, it's a really low weight.  The point is to work my muscles, but not enough to be really sore - according to my new trainer, that is what builds that 'bulky' look.  Since what I'm going for is a fitness model/bikini body, the emphasis is in different places than the traditional approach to weightlifting.  I'll talk more about this later.

Many great things on the horizon, once my new camera gets here, I'll post some new pictures so you can see my progress.  I'm super excited about this, and I WILL have my bikini body back by this summer, so WATCH OUT.

Also, this year, I am teaching almost EVERY SATURDAY of the month.  I will also be giving a FREE TALK about the benefits of adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet at least once - if not two or three times - per week at various venues. This is really exciting!  So, if you have ever been curious about raw food and how to incorporate it into your life in delicious and enjoyable ways, now is a great time to get yourself started, as there will be A TON of opportunity for you to explore this wonderful cuisine and add lots of yummy fruits and veggies to your diet.

For my class schedule (once I put it up), click here:

Until next time.....


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