Saturday, July 2, 2011


This morning, I say 'Adios,' to the warm, enchanting smell of coffee and trade it in for 1 liter of water and the juice of 1 lemon + cayenne pepper.  I am interested to see how this compares, as I used to drink it every - morning in a time which seems so long ago - and I would often recommend it to my clients as a coffee substitute.  So here goes!

If you are considering giving up coffee, there is also a great coffee subsitute called 'teecino' (http:// that I consider delicious!  It's by far the best one I have found tastewise.  I like it for the idea of 'transitioning' from coffee, because you can mix it in with your coffee, gradually weening yourself off.

I have discovered, over the last few months, that I am simply not a 'weening' kind of person.  I am an 'all or nothing' kind of gal.  Gray area is not my specialty and isn't a particularly interesting place for me.  Although, it does look quite sexy on other people!  I like it balls to the wall and I will allow myself to embrace that part of me.

Also, a smoothie is lined up for today, along with some miso chili kelp noodles - we'll see how all of that turns out.  I'll post some pictures here in a bit, along with some interesting pros and cons about coffee.  Thanks for tuning in, my little pod of readers, you guys are fantastic and I appreciate the support.  This morning, I feel like  a queen, with 2.16 miles underneath my belt already, I lean into the day with a spring in my step and big plans!

Also, if you're in the Wichita area, there is a raw food meetup this afternoon, you can find more information about it @:


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